Category Archives: Amazing Product
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How Coinbase got its first users?
BrainiacUnicorn Warrior How Coinbase got its first users? Before Coinbase, there was Bitbank, which allowed people to send Bitcoin through emails. Brian Armstrong, a startup owner, was fascinated by Bitcoin and delved deep into learning about its potential for growth and customer acquisition. He noticed the lack of a reliable online wallet for the cryptocurrency …
How Google got its first users?
BrainiacUnicorn Warrior How Google got its first users? Larry Page and Sergey Brin’s at first created the BackRub – Google’s precursor. BackRub was Page’s research project at Stanford University. It used the university’s domain.The guys used their own algorithm (PageRank) for rating sites by their backlinks to design BackRub. Search engines were more focused on …
How Spotify got its first users?
Unicorn WarriorBrainiac How Spotify got its first users? Spotify AB was Spotify’s prototype. Daniel Ek and Martin Lorentzo wanted to make the platform as lightweight and intuitive as possible. They aimed at fighting piracy in the music market.The only music alternative for illegal Napster was iTunes, with $2 per single song. Ek and Lorentzo wanted …
How Tinder got its first users
Unicorn WarriorBrainiac How Tinder got its first users Tinder was once named “Matchbox,” but the name was changed to “Tinder” because it sounded better and made people think of fire and warmth. The people who made Tinder first tried it out with college students at the University of Southern California. They got the phone numbers …