How Slack got its first users?

Slack growth story started from an online multiplayer game, Glitch. It was a creation by Steward Butterfield and Tiny Speck, his company. The game included an internal chat system which was organized with tabs that functioned like chat rooms. Although the game failed, players appreciated this one feature.
The popularity of the chat got noted by Butterfield and his team. They decided to create a team communication tool as a new project. At first, it was called Linefeed. It served as the base for Slack. Next, colleagues and friends from other companies run some tests with the app.
When more people joined Slack, issues appeared, so the team needed to do a lot of tweaks to push the Slack growth further. They used Twitter to let the world know about their public release and boost Slack user acquisition. It was a beta version, but they didn't name it that way officially. They were afraid people could have lost interest.
Slack had 8,000 users on day one thanks to Butterfield's network. Butterfield announced his new platform to his friends and coworkers. Slack user acquisition success was due to the strength of word-of-mouth marketing.
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