How Fiverr got its first users?

Fiverr's founder, Micha Kaufman, had a small but annoying task to do. He needed to copy a chart from MS Word to MS Excel. It was too small to make a contract with a freelancer but big enough to be time-consuming.
The founder thought that there should be a place for such minor tasks. The idea for Fiverr was born. In the beginning, there was a fixed price of $5 for each task published (each service offer was called “gig”). Right after launch, there was only Kaufman's gig. He offered pitch reviews.
His and Shai Wininger’s (the co-founder) friends told their friends, and the thing got popular soon enough. Fiverr grew mainly through word of mouth. Micha and Shai hit the market when unemployment began increasing among the people they knew. It was all because of the financial crisis at that time.
They wanted to test it directly with their target audience - people who needed to earn some money - so they skipped looking for investors. They hit straight to their closest friends and relatives.
After some criticism from people, the fixed $5 price for gigs was later changed to any value up to $500. The platform saw more and more professionals who didn't agree to offer their services for such a small fee.
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