How DoorDash got its first users?
DoorDash was a project set up by a bunch of friends. A group of mates from Palo Alto worked together to create a software for smaller biz's. They invited the manager of a nearby macaron store to try it out. It didn't meet her needs. She wanted to be able to do food deliveries to her clients. Their app was unstable and also had a bunch of useless features. What's more, there wasn't a single restaurant in Palo Alto that offered food delivery at the time.
Something around 200 local businesses got interviewed by the said group of friends. The response the guys usually got was rather the same: delivery issues. They got their niche for their user acquisition. They decided to make some improvements to their project and then created the website called Food delivery was their main focus. Their website also included menus from several restaurants in the PDF format as well as the founders' phone numbers. But, they started out by testing the demand for their app among the student community.
They distributed some flyers across the Stanford University campus. Later, after a few months, they changed their app's name to DoorDash.
The shipping fee was $6. They were students and simultaneously worked as food delivery drivers. They pulled it off thanks to the fact they had their own drivers. This was what boosted DoorDash user acquisition process. Other similar biz's were limited only to improving sales of their users.
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