How Discord got its first users?

Jason Citron and Stan Vishnevskiy loved video games. Citron had been making games, but they weren't popular enough. Together with Vishnevskiy, they wanted to build something for better and smoother social connections between players. One good thing about Citron’s games was their chatting systems. The guys decided to make use of that knowledge.
There was no simple tool for communication in games. TeamSpeak and Skype had issues with their voice chat. Citron and Vishnevskiy came up with Discord.
It wasn’t too popular until the launch of one expansion pack to Final Fantasy XIV. Some Redditor posted a link to Discord on the subreddit about FF XIV. Jason and Stan noticed it and jumped in to voice-chat with the newcomers.
People thought they were “cool” and went back to that subreddit to tell others to come and talk to the Discord founders. Discord got a surge of new users, and it’s been just a snowball effect since that day.
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