How AppSumo got its first customers?

Noah Kegan says he built AppSumo for $50. He wanted to create a website with discounts for premium services on various platforms. He started browsing the net and stumbled upon Reddit.
Redditors were posting a lot of links with Imgur pictures from Imgur Pro accounts. Kegan spotted an opportunity. He wrote an email to Imgur’s CEO, and asked to make a deal. The man agreed. Kegan reached out to one of Reddit's CEOs. He cold-emailed him to get their permission for AppSumo's ad on Reddit. Kegan found a web developer. He made him two ads for the Imgur deal: one to put on Reddit, and then a better one to include on Imgur.
Imgur’s founder took $7 from every subscription plan bought through AppSumo (AppSumo's price was $12.99), and the developer worked for $12 per hour. Kegan emailed people who bought the Imgur Pro accounts to send them individual registration codes.
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