Brand Building as a Service

We help startups build their brand identity through our customized analysis and mood board

Who is it for:

  • We are best served for early stage startups
  • Your business is either pre-product market fit or have just launched
  • We have launched 4 brands under our service.

What results can you expect:

The tangible value of my service is to understand where to prioritize and to build a brand as early as possible.

Products & Pricing:




  • A list of words that describe the brand
  • A mood board that visualizes the direction of the company



  • Everything in Foundation
  • Brand development — including fonts, images, and content focus areas
  • Examples of social media content
  • Social media templates for long-term high quality content


PRO Insights:

  • Everything in Pro
  • Competitor analysis
  • Competitor social media analysis


The process & delivery time:

Client will pick one of three options/menu from my offerings, and we will have a kick off call. This kick off call with then result in an action plan and deliverables for the client and the timeline to present this. 

The process:

First Foundation option usually takes 3-4 business day depending on the client ask

Anything beyond that will take 6+ business days.


Trumbull - Andy Chiang

Website: click here

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